In order to create transparency in social sector development projects and for encouragement of donors and philanthropists, the Trust shall also provide monitoring services to the donor agencies at global level. Monitoring services shall include keeping complete track records of the investments and project scrutinizing by the trust in order to ensure the proper and effective utility of Social sector funds. Donors and beneficiaries will be informed about every activity in lieu of the donation and its utility. For this organisation shall acquire the services of professionals of respective areas. Monitoring Services for Donor Agencies

Monitoring services for Donor Agencies is keeping a complete track record of the investments and project, scrutinizing will be done in order to acquire a comprehensive graph of Donations Investments. Donors will be informed about every activity in lieu of their donations.

Our Process
Failure of any project is the lack of planning and inappropriate distribution of funds .The one of the main reasons concerning the Donor agencies are the investment of the money they have allocated as funds.

Gauging the ultimate need and requirement Beinvision Pakistan provides the services for day to day tracking for the invested money. The process and procedure are completely well defined and help the donors contemplate over the results attained.
